AppliedHE Private University Ranking: ASEAN - Official Launch

Wednesday, 23 Feb 2022
17.00 Singapore(GMT+8)

Private University Ranking: ASEAN
Friday, 23 February 2022 • 17:00 Singapore (GMT+8)

Time Descriptions
17:00 Start of Programme

Welcome Remarks

  • Ms Mandy MokFounder & CEO, AppliedHE™, SINGAPORE
  • Dr Kevin DowningSecretary to Council & Court and Director IRO, City University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG
17:10 AppliedHE™ Private University Ranking: ASEAN


Methodology & Comparative Ranking Analysis

  • Mr Pieter E StekChief Analyst, AppliedHE™, SINGAPORE
17:25 Round Table Discussion



  • Dr Kevin DowningSecretary to Council & Court and Director IRO, City University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG


    • Mrs Winnie EleySecretary to Governing Board of CityU (Dongguan), City University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG SAR
    • Prof Dr Shameem Rafik-GaleaProfessor of Applied Lingustics and TESOL, SEGI University, MALAYSIA
    • Dr Richard HolmesEditor, University Ranking Watch blog, MALAYSIA

(Followed by Audience Questions & Comments)


Closing Remarks

  • Ms. Mandy MokFounder & CEO, AppliedHE™ , SINGAPORE
18:00 End of Programme


  • Event will be hosted via ZOOM; speakers to be provided with personalized invitation links.
  • Event will be live streamed via YouTube; recording to be made publicly available.
  • Programme is subject to change.


Dr Kevin Downing


Ms Mandy Mok
Mr Pieter Stek


Mrs Winnie Eley
Prof Dr Shameem Rafik-Galea
Dr Richard Holmes