Dr. Bahrullah Safi
Mirwais Neeka Institute of Higher Education
Dr. Bahrullah Safi is currently chancellor at Mirwais Neeka Institute of Higher Education, Kandahar, Afghanistan. He is also board member and country head at International Business and Economic Research Academy, United Kingdom. Dr. Safi is Recruitment and Marketing Partner of London Institute of Skills Development United Kingdom. Dr. Bahrullah Safi is member of editorial board International Journal of Management and Technical Research, India and He also serves as Peace Ambassador, Institute of Peace and Development, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Dr. Bahrullah Safi has earned BBA, MBA and Ph.D. in Management and he has published several research papers in national and international journals. Dr. Safi has been a keynote speaker in many national and international conferences and he has chaired quite a lot of committees at local and global levels. Dr. Bahrullah Safi is the recipient of different awards and he has trained many corporate professionals.