Dr Grace Ngai
Head, Service-Learning and Leadership Office
Associate Professor, Department of Computing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr Grace Ngai is Head of the Service-Learning and Leadership Office and Associate Professor at the Department of Computing at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She has extensive experience in teaching subjects at multiple levels and in multiple areas, and her contribution in teaching and learning has been recognized by the University in its prestigious President’s Award, and by the Hong Kong Government in its University Grants Committee Teaching Award.
Grace’s primary teaching interest these days are in service-learning, which she has been involved in for over 10 years. When service-learning became mandatory at PolyU in 2012, she was invited to chair the approval and monitoring committee for all PolyU service-learning subjects, in which capacity she has helped many colleagues to create effective service-learning subjects and projects. With her colleagues, Grace has been instrumental in developing PolyU’s international service-learning programme, which has been bringing more than 400 students to serve in impactful service projects in various countries including Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Kyrgyzstan, and Rwanda. She is interested in the intersection between technology, human interaction, especially in cross-cultural contexts, and global citizenship. She currently teaches the service-learning subject Socially Responsible Global Leadership in a Digital World. Her research interests are in human computer interaction and computer science education.