Mr Callistus Chong

Senior Director
School of Design & Media
ITE College Central

Callistus Chong Founder & Senior Director, School of Design and Media, Institute of Technical Education

Known for creating competitive advantage by harnessing the talents of the Creative Industries (Technology, Business & Arts).

Worked with cross-disciplinary, cross-cultural and international teams in the global Automotive, Consumer Electronics and Technical Education industries in Singapore, The Netherlands, France, Germany and China.

Navigated through three industry disruptions; from Cassette to MP3, Car Radio to Car Navigation and CRT to Flat Television with Philips Electronics. Tranforming current business from meeting manpower needs to being a tranaformation catalyst.

Received National Award for setting up the ITE School of Design and Media School that meets 25% of Creative Industry manpower needs of Singapore.

Credible Private and Public sector track record for transforming industry and organisation through Strategic Planning, Product Marketing, Organisation Development, Teamwork and Coaching.

Developed the signature Design Thinking Practise methodology to help organisation build innovation capability and able to effect transformations as Chief Design Officer.

September 2020