Professor Yan Houmin
Chair Professor of Management Sciences
City University of Hong Kong
Professor Yan Houmin is Chair Professor of Management Sciences and Programme Director of the MSc in Accounting and Finance with AI and Fintech Applications co-launched by City University of Hong Kong and Beijing National Accounting Institute. He is currently the Director of the Laboratory for AI-Powered Financial Technologies (AIFT).
Professor Yan’s main research areas are stochastic models, machine learning and algorithms, risk modeling and analysis, and supply chain management. He has published in journals such as Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, IIE Transactions, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Optimization: Theory and Applications, and IEEE Transactions. In a commissioned citation study by the Journal of Operations Management on knowledge evolution in Operations Management over the last 30 years, his research into supply chain coordination was recognised as part of general knowledge structure for Operations Management in the 2000s. He has won Best Paper Awards from the Institute of Industrial Engineers and the Society of Production and Operations Management.
Professor Yan is a Member of the Hong Kong Academy of Finance and he is on the EQUIS Committee, European Foundation for Management Development.