Zanné Van Wyk
Head of Data and Analytics
Diocese of Maitland – Newcastle
Zanné Van Wyk has 30 years of Data and Analytics experience with a particular interest in reimagining what’s possible with analytics and AI in Education. Her team utilizes the latest innovations in data and what’s possible with analytics and AI to accelerate their Data and Analytics transformation agenda. Insights extracted from data collected across the student learning lifecycle are applied to develop predictive models to be used for targeted ‘interventions’ in time to make a difference, not months downstream of an issue. The ability to understand what’s happening at the moment is more valuable than ever. And the ability to make confident decisions based on that understanding is essential for helping organisations adapt and thrive—even as circumstances change rapidly. With an MSc from Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) in the UK with Mathematical Statistics, Advanced Analytics and Data Science, she specialises in the development and implementation of comprehensive D&A Strategies focussing on Advanced Analytics and Data Science platforms.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zannevanwyk/?originalSubdomain=au